■Tokyo web3 Hackathon 800 participants, 100 products submitted

東京web3ハッカソン-Tokyo web3 Hackathon-

■AI+Crypto Hackathon 300 participants, 100 products submitted


■ETHGlobal Tokyo BuildersSession 250 participants and ETHGlobal sponsored projects gathered

ETHGlobal Tokyo Builders Session

■Scroll up Tokyo https://lu.ma/scroll-up-in-japan

■zkSync dev day https://lu.ma/zksync-tokoyo

■web3 Global Hackathon $80,000 prize money 300 participants https://app.akindo.io/hackathons/aA8Ek0mDGS8kdZoMe

■Undefined Hacker House Held with Korean and Chinese partners, 50 Asian engineers participated https://lu.ma/udlhackerhouse-tokyo

■web3 Entertainment Hackathon Held with Japanese biggest TV station https://www.youtube.com/live/5NS_mYoszaI?feature=share&t=11116

■HR3 Hackathon Held with Japan's largest advertising agency https://lu.ma/hr3-kickoff

■Aptos Meetup tokyo https://lu.ma/aptosmeetup

■Move Hackathon This is the official webX $ackathon, sponsored by Sui, Circle, and Axelar.

Move Hackathon by WebX · Luma

■DeFi Hackathon https://lu.ma/xrpl-hack