More effective use of money distributed to hackers💸


🤔What is WaveHack

WaveHack is a tool for protocol projects to build a developer community on the ecosystem. It is an automatic grant distribution framework that incentivises the developers on the ecosystem to keep building. This is the most suited way of the grant distribution to the crypto project.

Any Cryptp protocol can use WaveHack to properly distribute its budget to the hacker community. This is the new standard that will replace the Hackathon and Grant programs.


💡What WaveHack Solves

1. The hackathon problem

Few projects continue to develop after a hackathon. Hackers go back to their day jobs, teams disband, and motivation drops.How do we provide incentives?

2. The DevRel problem

DevRel resources are not infinite. We can't keep up relationships with every project. How can we support new projects? There is no mechanism to reward everyone equally.

3.The Grant problem

There are too many projects that receive Grants and do not make progress. How can we be sure that the budget is being used appropriately? The future is too uncertain, it is not easy to evaluate against it.

🛠How will it be resolved?